Download Vehicle Repair Station Plus LUA GTA 5 Script Mod

Vehicle Repair Station Plus [LUA] for Grand Theft Auto V
Vehicle Repair Station Plus [LUA] for GTA 5

I’ve explored the map, creating these new repair locations, operational gas stations, and some mechanic shops that I found throughout the map, and I believe I didn’t leave any behind. However, if you come across any and would like to share the coordinates, I would appreciate the assistance

This mod version provides additional locations to repair your vehicle, along with some code additions. Now, you can select a key without the need to know its corresponding value in the ASCII table, and the vehicle repair message won’t appear if you are outside of it. Furthermore, you have the option to control the minimum charge amount. (Blips have been removed to avoid cluttering the map, and the mod is compatible with the KushoDrift mod)

LUA Plugin for Script Hook
Copy ‘LUA.asi’ and paste it in the same location as the ‘GTA5.exe’ file, and copy the files from the ‘scripts’ folder and paste them into the ‘Scripts’ folder.

Place the files in the game directory. (In the directory where you paste, there should be a file named ‘GTAV.exe’)

Copy ‘VehicleRepairStationPlus’ to the following directory ‘Grand Theft Auto V/Scripts/addins’ and paste it inside the ‘addins’ folder.


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Vehicle-Repair-Station-Plus-LUA.rar (9 KB)
Safe to download: Check 

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