Download Pocket Blackout .NET V1.0.1 GTA 5 Script Mod

Pocket Blackout [.NET] V1.0.1 for Grand Theft Auto V
Pocket Blackout [.NET] V1.0.1 for GTA 5

Pocket Blackout allows you to cause a blackout in Los Santos all from your handheld device! Whether it’s to enjoy some peace and quiet or for malicious intent, you’ll always have a blackout by your side. It works as like any other blackout mod; however, the only difference is that there’s some added functionality such as clearing a wanted level. Inspiration was from Watch Dogs.

blackout_delay: How long a blackout should last.
max_wanted_for_clear: How high a wanted level should be for a blackout to clear it.
can_clear_wanted: Should the blackout clear the player’s wanted level?
can_gain_wanted: If the player isn’t wanted, should there be a chance for the player to receive a wanted level upon calling a blackout?
is_time_restricted: Should the player only be able to call a blackout at a specific time?
can_set_car_alarms: Should the blackout cause havoc and set car alarms?

Additional information can be found inside the .ini file.

.NET Framework 4.8
Scripts Folder
Script Hook V
Community Script Hook V .NET (SHVDN3)

Ensure that you’ve installed the dependencies correctly.
Drag and drop the contents inside of the Pocket Blackout folder into your scripts folder.
Use your phone and dial the Blackout Detonator within your contacts.

Pocket Blackout 1.0.1 | GTA V Mod Preview

Authors: Psychotic Harry

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