Download Afghanterror Addon-Ped Replace Clothes GTA 5 Player Mod

Afghanterror Addon-Ped Replace Clothes for Grand Theft Auto V
Afghanterror Addon-Ped Replace Clothes for GTA 5


OPEN IV mods uptade x64 dlcpacks mpclothes mp_m_freemode_01_mp_m_clothes_01
OPEN IV mods uptade x64 dlcpacks addonpeds dlc peds drop folder

Installation Instructions:

To install this clothing for FiveM, you must use a tool like Plebmaster’s clothing tool, or any sort of clothing add-on maker. Rename the file to whatever category you’d like (uppr, jbib, accs, etc) and generate an add-on clothing pack that is streamed through FiveM.

Author: IDedSecI

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AfghanTerror.rar (6 MB)
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