Download NEW Calafia Roads Ymap Add-On GTA 5 Mod

NEW Calafia Roads [Ymap Add-On ] for Grand Theft Auto V
NEW Calafia Roads [Ymap Add-On ] for GTA 5

A complete overhaul of North Calafia Way and Calafia Road, the roads around the Alamo Sea!
Tarmac roads, barriers, street lights and a completely new Calafia Bridge with colorful lights reflecting on the water!
Have fun by racing, drifting or just cruising in these renewed roads!

Original creations: The model of the roads are made by me from scratch
Highly detailed and lore friendly: cracks, dirt and other decals like any road of San Andreas
Vanilla textures
Traffic spawns regularly on the roads

All-in-one DLC archive – no vanilla files overwriting required!

OpenIV or Codewalker RPF Explorer

Put newcalafiaroads here: /mods/update/x64/dlcpacks
Open dlclist.xml and add dlcpacks:/dnxnewcalafiaroads/ after the last line and save.

Some vehicles may be seen floating or moving weirdly in the intersection near Grapeseed. This can’t yet be fixed since editing Junctions data is very complicated.

Authors: AuthorDANIX, Tools usedBlender, Sollumz, Codewalker & Codewalker RPF Explorer, Suggested byMiss_Rosey

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