Download The Phillips Residence | Strawberry Families Stories GTA 5 Map Mod

GTA 5 The Phillips Residence | Strawberry Families Stories mod
The Phillips Residence | Strawberry Families Stories for GTA 5

In an alternative universe, Trevor Phillips and Patricia Madrazo married and moved to Trevor’s old home in Vespucci Beach, where they added some modifications and had a son, Miguel.
Come to the Phillips Residence and meet Patricia and Miguel, you may ask, where’s Trevor, we don’t know either.

Added objects and peds around the home
Added two cars and barriers to provide as a patio

Flags and plants may disspear when you look away but then will appear again.


Drag the folder “Phillips Residence” into your menyooStuff > Spooner folder

Author: alvaritomarito

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Phillips-Residence.rar (5 KB)
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