Magirus Deutz Transeuropa Megapack V3.4 [1.48.5]

Magirus Deutz Transeuropa Megapack V3.4 [1.48.5] by Ventyres, Alang7, Kriechbaum, Peerke145, HR1509, Sebastian7870 is compatible with ETS2 1.48. Version 3.4: Adaptation for 1.48.5.x.x Fixed mod strings This Mod Includes: 4×2 6×2/4 and 6×4 Tractor Chassis. 4×2 Rigid Chassis including a Tilt Body and a Dryvan Body. 6×2 BDF. Mod has a rating of 4.7 stars with 3 votes.
We host 1 file (Magirus_Transeuropa_Megapack_v3.4_1.48.x.7z) for this mod. The total downloadable file is 543 MB in size.